Dick Burwen made this recording using two 125 dB dynamic range omnidirectional microphones of his own design with Shoeps capsules. In 1986 it was
considered to be really high fidelity. Listen to the finale below and compare a 44.1 kHz WMA lossless file of the original microphone output with a
completely remastered version using sounds from the BURWEN BOBCAT TONE BALANCER. The remastered version is called Balanced.
Balanced processing consists of high frequency reverberation called Recital, together with 14 dB of low frequency boost. Click on the Frequency
Response graph or the Control panel below Balanced to see enlarged views in a separate window.
Your sound system needs additional equalization to get the best available sound. Play More Bass, More Highs, Big Bass, and More Treble to get an idea
of the control settings more closely matched to your system. You may prefer the high frequencies of one track together with the low frequencies of
another, or something in between - easily accomplished when you own a copy of BURWEN BOBCAT TONE BALANCER software.
- In the Windows Media Player below the waveforms, the Tchaikovsky finale is repeated 6 times, each having a ifferent stereo sound named Original,
Balanced, More Bass, More Highs, Big Bass, and More Treble.
- Use the 6 left-right waveforms below as a guide for placing the tiny track position slider in the Player's slot at the same starting point in each finale
for quick comparison.
3. Click on and drag (while holding down the left mouse button) the track position slider to play at any point on each of the 6 finales. Alternatively click
at any point on the slot to move the start to that point.
4. Hold the left mouse button down for up to 20 seconds at the new start point to prevent the slider from snapping back to its previous position. After
you have played long enough to load all the music into memory, just clicking at a new start point may work.
Finale from Tchaikovsky's Fifth Symphony, 1986
Click a picture for a detailed view on a separate page. The graph dB scales differ greatly from one another.
Hear how Burwen patented high frequency reverberation together with easy-to-use precision tone controls can transform both your music and your sound
system to bring out the thrill of the music. None of the sounds below will be just right for your own system and your taste in sound. However, the range
of sounds you hear will illustrate how you can easily optimize the sound just for you.
This is all in 2 channel stereo, but the BURWEN BOBCAT TONE BALANCER can deliver glorious 5-channel concert sound from ordinary 2-channel music
files by adding ambiance into the rear and front channels. There is little low frequency power in the rear channels; so you can use modest speakers.
Try 3 different high frequency reverberation characteristics.
4 buttons at the right of the control panels above select high frequency reverberation characteristics called EXTREME, RECITAL, BASIC, and RVRB OFF
in order of decreasing effect.
RECITAL lasts for 1.5 seconds. Its effect is primarily at very high frequencies and it hints of a small hall. The Tchaikovsky finale processed with Recital
below is identical with Balanced above, a completely remastered recording.
The EQ No Reverb finale below is what you could get before the development of Burwen Technology, Inc.'s unique high frequency reverberation. It has
the same 14 dB low frequency boost at 15 Hz.
EXTREME gradually substitutes high frequency reverberation for the direct signal above 360 Hz. At 20 kHz you hear nothing but electronic reverberation
because the direct signal component is less than1/50th the amplitude of the reverberation component. In contrast the direct signal component of
RECITAL and BASIC reverbs is bigger than the reverb component at 20 kHz. EXTREME in the front channels lasts for 1 second. The rear channels,
which you cannot hear in this demonstration, last for 3 seconds, producing beautiful concert hall ambiance for classical music, without gimmicky surround.
BASIC lasts for 0.4 seconds and is useful for all types of music. It subtly smooths high frequencies, making them more musical, and very slightly widens
the stereo image.
The three treble controls were tweaked fractions of a dB in the Extreme and Basic finales so the tone balance more closely matches the Recital track. The
differences you hear are changes in smoothness and musicality due to the the different high frequency reverberation characteristics.
BURWEN BOBCAT TR's fixed processing, PURE and SMOOTH
BURWEN BOBCAT TR (True) is a digital signal processor that plugs into the Windows Media Player and
offers 2-channel PURE and SMOOTH processing buttons plus BYPASS. If its window is open, it will
process sound to 2-channel output during listening, ripping, burning, and file conversion to MP3 or WMA
BURWEN BOBCAT TONE BALANCER.xls is an Excel workbook that makes new 2-channel or 5-channel
sounds from 2-channel music files. It sends the new sounds locally or by remote control to BURWEN
BOBCAT TR for listening only.
PURE BOBCAT is very subtle and the most transparent. It smooths and makes sound more musical and
less irritating while improving transients. Its 0.4 second high frequency reverberation is slightly different from
BASIC above.
SMOOTH BOBCAT attenuates high frequencies, uses a 0.6 second reverb and reduces shrillness. What
you will not hear below is its NO SCREECH feature that automatically attenuates even more in the 3500 Hz
region only during a singer's loudest notes. Simultaneously it boosts the 600 Hz region to make the voice
fuller and retain the music impact. For example, if you are a Beatles fan, but never enjoy their old songs
played loud because the high frequencies melt your ears, SMOOTH will fix their recordings.
The Pure MP3 128 kbps track made with PURE processing is almost as good as the WMA lossless Pure
track and better sounding than Original.
WMA LOSSLESS Made from MP3 128 kbps